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Seven Ancient Beauty Secrets
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Seven Ancient Beauty Secrets

Seven Ancient Beauty Secrets

Do you ever feel like you need to shut out the world and give yourself some self-love?

We are living in busy times and with the introduction of the internet and social media, it can feel overwhelming.  The amount of information coming towards us and the To Do lists feel impossible to stay on top of.

If you are looking to unwind and incorporate some beauty rituals into your daily routine.


The first ancient beauty secret is GROUNDING.

If you have no idea what this is.   No worries.

Grounding is an ancient practice that has in some ways made it’s way back to the forefront.  Unfortunately, a lot of people still aren’t aware of this practice and all the amazing benefits it can provide for you and your family.

So you may be asking what is grounding.  Grounding is putting your skin ( bare feet and hands) in direct contact with the earth.  Or it can be done with a grounding system.  Which consists of a conductive mat that you plug into a grounded electrical outlet in your home.

If you are curious to see what this can do for you.  Then check out some of the benefits listed below along with a video.

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves Sleep
  • Decreases pain
  • Enhances energy levels
  • Improves wound healing
  • Improves immunity

The second ancient beauty secret is the PINK HIMALAYAN SALT SCRUB 

Sea Salt Scrub Ancient Beauty Secret
Sea Salt Scrub

Although you may have noticed in the beauty sections of big box stores like Winners, Marshals, Wal-Mart, etc pink Himilayan salt scrubs.  If big box stores are starting to sell these items then you know the popularity of this beauty treatment is gaining steam.

The reasons for its popularity are many.

Himalayan pink salt is not only pretty to look at as well it’s one of the purest salts.  It’s mined by hand making it natural.  So that you don’t have to worry about chemicals on your skin.

So here are reasons this will be your next beauty essential.

  • DETOXIFIES SKIN – Detoxifying the skin is a method of cleansing the skin from regular exposure to impurities like dirt, pollutants, and dead skin cells that make our skin look dull and tired.  
  • EXFOLIATES THE SKIN – The outer layer of your skin is mostly made up of dead skin cells.  This scrub is made of natural ingredients that help improve the health of your skin.  
  • FIGHTS ACNE – The trace minerals in Himalayan pink salt   The trace minerals in Pink Himalayan salt have natural antiseptic properties preventing infections and breakouts.  
  • BALANCES PH BALANCE OF SKIN  As for the trace minerals, it helps to naturally balance out the PH of the skin.  The natural ph of the skin protects us from the bacteria we come in contact with on a daily basis. Gently scrubbing with a pink Himalayan salt scrub makes sure your skin stays in its ideal state.   

The third ancient beauty secret is HONEY

Honey Ancient Beauty Secret


Comparatively, honey will up your beauty game without taking a huge bite out of your pocketbook.  Its natural healing properties make it antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory.

The benefits of adding this to your beauty regime are:

  • FIGHTS ACNE – Its natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties help heal breakouts and reduce redness and swelling of acne 
  • GREAT MOISTURIZER – the sugar in honey acts as a humectant which means it draws moisture from the air into your skin 
  • WOUND HEALER – natural antiseptic healing properties can prevent infections, reduce scarring, and cut down on healing time 
  • LIP BALM AND CUTICLE MOISTURIZER –  Everything that makes honey a great moisturizer also makes it fantastic for your cuticles and lips.  
  • REDUCES FINE LINES AND WRINKLES – Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles and delays the aging process helping you look younger and more radiant.  

The fourth ancient beauty secret is Milk and Epsom Salt Milk Bath.

Bath photo
Bath Photo


Furthermore, you may be asking what is a milk bath.  Maybe you have never heard of it.  Or maybe you’re like “OH MY” that sounds a bit weird.

All in all milk baths are not something new and were used by the famous beauty, Cleopatra.

Moreover using both of these elements in a hot bath has some amazing benefits for you.


  • The milk can help soothe dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and sunburn
  • Milk baths can exfoliate, reduce inflammation and hydrate your skin
  • Epsom salts can help you detox, improve relaxation and sleep
  • Relax, ease muscle tension and pain

Furthermore, you can use any type of milk you desire from:

  • Coconut milk
  • Oat Milk
  • Almond Milk
  • Goat Milk
  • Dried Milk

To summarize I’ve included a quick DIY recipe you easily make to store in your bathroom.


  • 1/2 cup powdered milk
  • 1/2 cup Epsom salts
  • 6 drops of Essential Oil of your choice

Mix together and put in a dark glass jar to help the essential oils.

The fifth ancient beauty secret is using a Tongue Scraper.


Tongue scraper
Tongue Scraper

Taking good care of your oral hygiene is essential to your overall well-being.

One account of this is something that you’re not familiar with.  Tongue scraping is part of an ancient system of medicine called Ayurveda.

Ayurveda medicine believes that the tongue shares a direct connection to several of the body’s organs.  Ayurveda uses the tongue as a diagnosis as a window into the internal workings of the body.  This is one of the reasons doctors have you stick out your tongue.


  • Cleans toxins, bacteria, and dead cells from the tongue to prevent bad breath
  • Enhances sense of taste
  • Promotes digestive health
  • Gently stimulates the organs

Finally, if you are interested in adding this new addition to your daily brushing routine.  Check this link and where you can find a tongue scraper.

Tongue Scraper

The sixth ancient beauty secret is FASTING

Despite its recent surge in popularity.  Fasting is a practice that dates back centuries and plays a central role in many religions and cultures.

Generally speaking, this practice involves eating your meals within an eight-hour window.  Such as from twelve pm noon to eight pm.



  • Promotes blood sugar control by reducing insulin resistance
  • Fights inflammation
  • May boost brain function and prevent neurodegenerative diseases
  • Aids in weight loss and boosts metabolism

Now, this blog post just gently touches on this topic.  I most definitely suggest you do your own research to learn more about this topic.

The seventh ancient beauty secret is DRY BRUSHING.

Dry Brushing Ancient Beauty Secret
Dry Brushing


As a matter of fact, you may be asking what is dry brushing.

If you’re not sure.  Dry brushing your skin is a daily body massage with a stiff-bristled brush.

Our bodies have a lymphatic system that is part of the vascular system.  As well as the immune system.  This large network of lymphatic vessels carries a clear liquid fluid called lymph.  In essence lymph moves toward the heart and out major nodes.  Found around the neck, underarms, and groin area.

DRY BRUSHING helps move the lymph toward the major lymph nodes.


  • Removes dead skin cells
  • Encourages lymphatic drainage
  • Gets the blood moving at a faster rate, therefore, removing toxins more quickly
  • increase circulation


Hope you enjoyed this blog post and will incorporate some of these practices into your beauty routine.

Thank you &  Please share on Pinterest and Instagram.